Georgia’s Red Carpet Tour Comes to the Golden Isles
Every year the State of Georgia host several prospects and other VIPs that represent large employers that are considering locating or expanding in Georgia.
The event is centered around the Master’s in Augusta, Georgia and this year, the Red Carpet Tour made a stop in the Golden Isles to see what we have to offer as one of the State’s top locations for doing business.
Showcasing Georgia and Building Relationships
The Red Carpet Tour was initiated in 1959 by the Georgia Chamber of Commerce, in conjunction with Georgia Allies to generate new businesses looking to relocate or expand to our area. The tours spotlights Georgia’s quality of life and pro-business environment among other reasons that Georgia has been named for the third year in a row, the No. 1 state in the nation to do business with.
Golden Opportunity for the Golden Isles
The Red Carpet Tours have invested well over $3.2 billion and created more than 15,000 jobs as a result of corporate relocation or expansions. Our most recent event in April 2016 brought 75 state host and guests to our area.
Learn everything you ever wanted to know about Georgia’s Red Carpet Tour.