Golden Isles Development Authority FY 23 Annual Report

Taking the time to acknowledge achievements, review goals, and identify new opportunities is critical for any organization. For the past year, staff at The Golden Isles Development Authority (GIDA) has completed an Annual Report to review our goals, accomplishments, challenges, and the economic health of the Golden Isles (Glynn County, Georgia).

Promoting the Annual Report to the community, stakeholders, and external audiences demonstrates a core value of our team- accountability. GIDA uses the Objective and Key Results (OKR) system for goal setting and tracks its progress in its focus areas: Attraction, Retention/Expansion, Marketing, Product Development, and Workforce Development. The annual report includes the progress of GIDA’s staff in reaching OKR goals that align with promoting economic prosperity for the Golden Isles.

While this report shares how GIDA has spent the past year working towards our goals, it is also a story of the extraordinary work created in the Golden Isles. The highlights include accounts of innovation from local entrepreneurs, solution-focused processes from County staff, and examples of the community coming together to attract and develop talent.

Request a Copy

If you would like a physical copy of the report or have any questions about how GIDA supports businesses in the community, send a note to

Locating or Expanding Your Business

We invite you to explore the services that the Golden Isles Development Authority can provide for your business when deciding to locate or expand.

Ready to start a conversation about how we can help? Contact McKenzie Padgett, Director of Business Development, or (912) 536-0844.