Board Members

The Board of Governors for the Brunswick & Glynn County Development Authority provide valuable insight, skills, and direction.

By design, the Development Authority Board consists of a diverse group of five individuals who all represent various parts of the local economy. Their insight and experiences ensure that the actions taken by the Development Authority are in harmony with the strengths of the area and that there will be a strong business climate where the local industrial base can thrive.

The Board meets on the first Tuesday of each month at 9:00 AM, Brunswick & Glynn County Development Authority located at 1505 Richmond Street, Second Floor, Brunswick, GA 30520. Board meetings are hosted in the Conference Room and open to the public. For questions about a past or upcoming meeting, or the Board, contact Sherri Pruitt.

“Working with both the City and County, I believe the Development Authority is poised to help bring new employment opportunities and a higher quality of life to our Golden Isles community.”

Bill Austin, Past-Board Member

Christy D. Jordan


Chief Operating Officer and General Counsel for the Southeast Georgia Health System

Bill Dawson

Vice Chairman

Retired, General Manager of Operations Georgia Ports Authority 

Daren Pietsch

Secretary Treasurer

President/Director, Torras Companies

Greer Anderson

Board Member

Regional Banking Manager, United Community Bank

Richard B. Nixon, Jr.

Board Member

South Atlantic Gulf Coast District Representative, International Longshoremen

The process of selecting new Board Members begins with a public posting of the position.  Applicants then turn their resume into the Development Authority for initial review by the current Board.  All Applicants receive an in-person interview for the position with current Board Members.  The Development Authority Board then selects the best candidate and submits the name for approval.

Prospective Board Members are first approved by current Board Members and then City and County Commissioners.

If the Commissioners do not approve the applicants, they can suggest a candidate or allow the Development Authority to submit another applicant. The entire process is open to discussion with all three governing bodies throughout the process.

Board Members can serve two consecutive three-year terms.

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209 Gloucester Street, Suite 211

Brunswick, GA 31520

phone: 912-536-0844

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