Building the Workforce Pipeline: Connecting Talent to Opportunity
The strength of Glynn County’s Manufacturing Industry is vital for the Golden Isles Development Authority (GIDA) to achieve economic resilience, job creation, innovation, supply chain efficiency, economic multiplier effects, and knowledge transfer in the Golden Isles. GIDA invests in the development and support of this industry to better position our community for economic growth and for long-term success in the global marketplace.
Aware of the local manufacturing sector and the vital role it plays in the economic growth of Glynn County, the Golden Isles Development Authority has launched the on-going Keep Glynn Running (KGR) campaign to strengthen the manufacturing + engineering workforce and pipeline. The KGR website is used as a tool for community members to explore the advantages of working in the local manufacturing + engineering sector such as on-the-job training, higher wages, benefits, and career advancement opportunities. Website visitors can also explore an online Job Portal, which pulls from nearly 30,000 job boards, where local visitors can search for online job postings and career opportunities in Glynn County, Georgia.
KGR Website also allows visitors to explore Manufacturing Case Studies of local professionals as they discuss their success and growth in their respective careers, allowing GIDA to demonstrate real-world opportunities and the results of choosing a career in manufacturing.
With seventy-five manufacturing facilities in the Golden Isles, there are many opportunities for community members to invest in a career in manufacturing and by recognizing the importance of a strong local manufacturing workforce, GIDA aims to strategically invest in its development, foster sustainable growth, prosperity, and resilience through KGR and other on-going initiatives.