Local Updates in Response to COVID-19
Your business can find the information you need related to our local government agency’s responses to COVID-19 including: the latest energy orders, links to closures, and more.
We will be using our social media channels to share resources for business owners and creative ideas that we are seeing implemented to support our local business. Check back periodically for updates and new resources.
Glynn County Testing Sites
Testing is available to all Georgians who request it, whether they have symptoms or not. Individuals wanting to be tested can contact any Georgia public health department to schedule an appointment at a SPOC location convenient to them.
If you have a question about testing call, 912-230-9744. Direct patient lines are open:
- 8:30am to 7:00pm Monday through Friday
- 8:30am – Noon on Saturdays
A comprehensive Glynn County COVID-19 dashboard, including local testing sites, is available at https://bit.ly/3dQasnS
The below Glynn County Buildings are open to the public. Masks are required upon entry since July 6, 2020:
- W. Harold Pate Courthouse Annex
- Public Works Administration
- Fire Administration
- Parks and Recreation Offices
- Animal Control Shelter and Offices
- Courthouse and Historic Courthouse
The Public Health State of Emergency for Georgia is currently still in place.
For additional County information https://www.glynncounty.org/2048/COVID-19
Emergency orders and actions taken by our community during COVID-19
- Providing additional guidance for Empowering a Healthy Georgia in response to COVID-19 11.13.2020
- Renewing the State of Emergy originally issued on July 6 11.13.2020
- Providing Flexibility for Healthcare Practices, Moving Certain Businesses to Minimum Operations, and Providing for Emergency Response 04.20.20
- Authorizing the use of real-time audio-visual communication technology to assist in notarizing real estate documents
- Authorizing the State Treasurer to act as “prudent investor” during the COVID-19 Public Health State of Emergency
- Directing the Commissioner of Revenue to implement waivers related to Conservation Use Value Assessment and Forest Land Use Protection Act applications during the COVID-19 Public Health State of Emergency
For a complete list of 2020 Executive Orders please visit https://gov.georgia.gov/executive-action/executive-orders/2020-executive-orders
Local organization and assoication websites, programs, and response to COVID-19
Golden Isles Convention and Visitors Bureau
The health and safety of our guests and community is top priority for the Golden Isles Convention & Visitors Bureau. Along with government officials, the Golden Isles CVB is closely monitoring COVID-19 and any potential impacts to our area. If you are planning a trip to the Golden Isles and are concerned about the status of your visit, we hope to provide you with the most current and up-to-date information available. https://www.goldenisles.com/public-safety/covid-19-updates/
The Jekyll Island Authority is actively monitoring developments and information surrounding COVID-19’s (coronavirus) potential impact on travel to and around Jekyll Island, as the health and safety of our residents and visitors is a top priority. We are continuously monitoring and participating in communications provided by Georgia state health and government officials to ensure any necessary precautions are taken.
Georgia Power’s Programs
At Georgia Power, we believe in being, “A Citizen Wherever We Serve.” That’s why we partner with nonprofits, community and faith-based organizations to offer assistance programs to those in need. https://www.georgiapower.com/covid-19.html
Georgia Ports
Georgia’s ports remain open for business. The GPA would like to thank our employees, the State of Georgia and many partners, including the International Longshoremen’s Association (ILA), U.S. Customs and Border Protection, U.S. Coast Guard, stevedores, trucking community and river pilots for pulling together to keep our ports moving ahead full steam. Please know we appreciate this teamwork and the collective effort during this challenging time. Together we will sustain trade for our communities, our state and our nation. https://gaports.com/covid-19-coronavirus-update/
Small Business Development Center-Brunswick Office
The Brunswick-offices are open and making virtual appointments in order to assist the for-profit businesses in our area. Please do not hesitate to contact their team with any questions. https://www.georgiasbdc.org/brunswick-office/
Georgia Chamber
The Georgia Chamber is encouraging businesses and communities to make fact-based decisions and stay informed on COVID19. We will continually update this page with resources pertaining to COVID19. https://www.gachamber.com/covid19/