Golden Isles Development Authority Teams Up with Kings Bay Naval Base to Strengthen Workforce

The Golden Isles Development Authority (GIDA) and King’s Bay Naval Base Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) have partnered to navigate the transition of its workforce from military service to civilian employment in the Golden Isles. The Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) offers many programs such as financial programs and transition and employment assistance to promote quality of life for military personnel and their families.
“Hundreds of military families retire or separate from Naval Submarine Base Kings Bay every year. Many have come to love Southeast Georgia and choose to make it home. These Veterans and military spouses bring a wealth of experience, training and skills to the area and employers can tap this talent pool by engaging with FFSC, Kings Bay. Facilitating engagement between local employers and our military families is just one of the many great things that FFSC Kings Bay can offer”, Felipe Gonzalez, Director, Fleet and Family Support Center Kings Bay.
There are over 4,000 Active-Duty personnel in Kings Bay with tens of thousands more nearby at other bases. Between 750 – 1000 personnel will go through the Transition Assistance Program (TAP) classes in 2024. These opportunities are ideal for companies seeking veterans to make those first networking steps that can lead to the hiring process.
“Our transitioning military personnel represent some of the nation’s best, and as they transition to civilian life, we can keep them right here in our community. I cannot think of a better way to increase the workforce ranks in the Golden Isles. We know our local industries will welcome these individuals into our community and give them meaningful careers”, Ryan Moore, President & CEO, GIDA.
The GIDA and the FFSC look forward to a successful partnership that aims to provide quality of life to those transitioning into civilian life and to support economic growth in the Golden Ises. Communications between GIDA, FFSC, and local industries are ongoing to ensure a strong pipeline to this untapped resource.