It’s easier than ever before to search for jobs in Glynn County, GA.
Shop small. Buy Local. These phrases have become synonymous with consumers’ choosing to shop at a farmer’s market or main-street artisan over major retailers.
At the Golden Isles Development Authority (GIDA), we encourage these values. As champions of our local and small business community, we understand our community benefits when residents and businesses shop locally. While shopping local remains an essential focus, we asked ourselves, “How else can we help the community think local first?”.
In addition to shopping, we are encouraging residents to Work Local. Whether someone is entering the job market for the first time or making a career switch, we have made it easy to search and find Glynn County jobs first.
The Keep Glynn Running Job Portal aggregates and filters positions open in Glynn County, Georgia. The portal pulls in and removes duplicate listings from more than 30,000 public job boards, providing a comprehensive tool for finding a Glynn County job.
This tool is available to businesses and residents at no cost. The portal is live and ready to use today.
Do you have a question about the job portal? Contact Vanessa Wagner today, .