MINUTES – February 24, 2014
Chamber Board Room
11:30 AM
I. CALL TO ORDER – Chairman Baxter
WELCOME GUESTS – Chairman Baxter welcomed Mr. Burr and Ms. Winslett of Glynn County Airport Commission, Mr. Herskovits of Energiya USA, Mr. Bauser of Glynn Art Association, Mr. Blackwell of Gazelle Commercial, Ms. Britton of Stambaugh Aviation, Ms. Sigman of Signature Properties and Ms. Quimby of the Brunswick News.
A. Approve Assignment and Amendment of the Emery Enterprise Lease at the McKinnon Saint Simons Island Airport to Glynn Art Association, Inc. – Mr. Burr reported that Glynn Art Association, Inc. has requested to Lease the former Emery Enterprise Facility. The request is to assign the current Emery Enterprise Lease and Amend the Lease terms to extend the Agreement five (5) additional years expiring on September 30, 2025 based on $180,000 capital investment, change the annual CPI adjustment effective October 1st annually, and change the use to community visual are center.
A MOTION to approve the Assignment and Amendment of the Emery Enterprise Lease to Glynn Art Association, Inc. subject to review by council was made by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Dixon and passed unanimously.
B. Approve Concession Agreement with 4-10 Ventures-Saint Simons Island Airport Farmer’s Market – Mr. Burr reported that the 4-10 Ventures has an expiring Concession Agreement for an ice vending machine located in the Farmer’s Market. The new Agreement is for one year at the rate of $4,000.00 annually.
A MOTION to approve a new one year Concession Agreement with 4-10 Ventures for an Ice Vending Machine at the Farmer’s Market effective March 1, 2014 and authorize the Executive Director of the Airport Commission to execute the Agreement pending legal review was made by Mr. Dixon, seconded by Mr. Roberts and passed unanimously.
A. Approve Minutes for January 24, 2014
A MOTION was made by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Roberts and passed unanimously to approve the January 24, 2014 Meeting Minutes.
A. Approve Financials – January 2014 – Mr. Smith reviewed the January 2014 financial statements. Mr. Smith reported that remaining Foreign Trade Zone Annual fees and the FLETC Bond fees have been received as income for 2014. The final payment for the wetland project in the amount of $12,000 has been paid. The balance sheet for January remains steady. The Share-the-Future fund balance at the end of January was just over $331,000.
A MOTION was made by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. King and passed unanimously to approve the January 2014 financials.
A. Pipeline – Mr. Scott reviewed the Project Pipeline document with the Board. Mr. Scott updated the Board on Project Test that would look to employ 32 jobs along with a $1 to $2 Million dollar investment in Glynn County. Mr. Scott reported that we are no longer in the running for Project Douglas for the reason that they want to be closer to a container location such as Savannah or Jacksonville.
B. Retention and Expansion Update – Mr. Scragg reported that the Authority is starting a small business and entrepreneurial initiative for the Glynn County area. Mr. Scragg noted that retention and expansion of local businesses is crucial to our community and John will be spear heading the program.
Mr. Scott reported that the Industrial Service Exchange launched last month in conjunction with Savannah’s economic development authority is now up and running. Mr. Scott will keep the Board apprised of the progress.
C. Pending Board Application Interviews – Mr. Scragg reported that the Authority received a total of 21 applications for the Board vacancy. The majority of the candidates will be interviewed on March 3rd and 4th and a final recommendation will be made by the Board following the completion of all interviews. Once the Board selects a candidate, all applications and the recommendation will go to the County and City Commission for approval.
D. Leadership Georgia – Mr. Scragg reminded the Board that Leadership Georgia will be here from May 8th thru the 12th at the Jekyll Island Convention Center. The Authority will be planning welcome gift packets for the attendees. Mr. Scragg will keep the Board apprised as the date nears.
E. Information Technology Request – Project Management Software – Mr. Scragg informed the Board that the Authority is looking additional software to fill the needs of the Authority and will fill the Board in on more specifics once the search has been narrowed down.
F. Strategic Planning Retreat – Mr. Scragg would like to revisit the Goals and Objectives from the previous Strategic Planning Retreat in 2011. Mr. Scragg would like the Board to consider a 6 hour Retreat once the new board member is on board. More to come.
G. Press Release to Site Consultants – Mr. Scragg reported that he has shared the Gulfstream press release with approximately 500 consultants to date.
H. Marketing – Mr. Scragg reported that the Authority needs to boost their marketing efforts in the near future. Mr. Scragg reported that the Authority plans to have some promotional items for the Chamber of Commerce EXPO and Leadership Georgia to lead the effort.
A. OneGA Fire Suppression Grant Update – Update on OneGA Grant Local Share Funds Payment Source – Mr. Smith reported that the project is due to be completed no later than April 24th. Mr. Smith reported that the deadline is April 9th and the Authority has applied for an extension for the additional time. Mr. Smith will keep the Board apprised of the progress.
B. Update on 2014 McGladrey Classic Plans – Mr. Scragg reported that the Authority will be co-sponsoring with Georgia Power again for the 2014 McGladrey Classic. The Authority and Georgia Power will make a concerted effort to bring in Site Consultants and organizations that bring projects to our community.
C. Gulfstream Expansion – Mr. Smith reported that the due diligence with Gulfstream’s expansion is going smooth. Wells Fargo, the investor for financing, wanted to ensure that the ground was environmentally clean and both Phase I and Phase II reports came back clean. Mr. Smith reported that the loan is scheduled to close Friday or the first of March. Wells Fargo will finance the project in its entirety. The groundbreaking is planned for April 2014 with a completion date of May 2015.
D. RS&H Consulting Agreement – Support of Authority & GCAC During Gulfstream Construction – Mr. Smith reported that the Authority will continue to use RS&H Consulting’s services for the duration of the Gulfstream expansion. Work Order No. 3 states that RS&H will perform and complete work on the Authority’s behalf. Work Order No. 4 states that RS&H will review and sign off on the work completed on the Authority’s behalf.
A MOTION to approve Work Order No. 3 consulting services by RS&H not to exceed $22,850 for the Water and Sewer as submitted was made by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Dixon and passed unanimously.
A MOTION to approve Work Order No. 4 for consulting services by RS&H not to exceed $35,000 for project support was made by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. King and passed unanimously.
E. Board Confirmation of Actions Approved Electronically: Medical Insurance Group Payments, Survey for Possible Land Purchase and Director Membership – Mr. Smith reviewed the electronic approvals discussed prior to board meeting for the staffs Medical Insurance group payments, survey for possible land purchase and the Directors membership.
A MOTION to approve the staffs Medical Insurance group payments, survey for possible land purchase and the Directors membership as submitted was made by Mr. Dixon, seconded by Mr. King and passed unanimously.
F. Re-Approve Revolving Loan Application for Interior Products which was Withdrawn November when Hot Press machine Ordered Could Not Be Delivered. The Amount of the Loan Has Increased to $45,000 – Mr. Smith reviewed the Revolving Loan Application for Interior Products previously approved by the Board in the amount of $40,000. The hot press machine ordered is no longer made and the equivalent machine is $45,000. Interior Products is requesting the amount of the loan be increased from $40,000 to $45,000.
A MOTION to approve the RLF fund to Interior Products in the amount of $45,000 subject to review of finances was made by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Roberts and passed unanimously.
Mr. Scragg reported that he, Mr. Smith, Jeff Culwell and Mr. Burr met with existing and potential businesses to discuss a potential OneGA grant for $300,000 or more for infrastructure to the Airport. Additionally, on the north side of the Airport the Authority would like to look to the Economic Development Administration and the US Department of Agriculture for a 1 million dollar grant for infrastructure. There may be cost incurred by the grant writer for no more than $2,000.
Mr. Smith reported that Haskell is designing the utilities, water and sewer for the Gulfstream expansion. Haskell’s proposal is for Professional Engineering Services to design and engineer domestic water and sanitary sewer utilities from existing points of connection at Connole Street to the new Gulfstream Service Center in the amount of $11,121.60
A MOTION to approve grant writer fees not to exceed $2,000 was made by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Roberts and passed unanimously.
A MOTION to approve the Gulfstream expansion utility service proposal to Haskell for the Authority’s portion of the design in the amount of $11,121.60 as presented was made by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Dixon and passed unanimously.
No Items to Discuss
A. Development Authority Board Meeting – 11:30, Monday, March 24, 2014
A. Closed Session – Purchase and Sales of Real Estate, Personnel, Potential Litigation
A MOTION to go into Closed Session for the purpose of discussing the Purchase and Sale of Real Estate, Personnel and Potential Litigation was made by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. King and passed unanimously.
A MOTION to return to Open Session was made by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Roberts and passed unanimously. The Board invited guests to join the Board upon returning to Open Session.
A MOTION to amend the Minutes to reflect approval at January Board meeting to proceed at no more than $10,000 for ___________________________________________________________________ as presented was made by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Dixon and passed unanimously.
A MOTION to approve the Authority complete the transaction for the Steamboat City land purchase just north of Tradewinds Park (approximately 70 acres at $9,300 per acre) for a total of $660,000 with $500,000 of that to be financed for 7 to 8 years at the market rate was made by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Roberts and passed unanimously. The deal is scheduled to close the last week in March.
A MOTION to approve a finder’s fee commission in the amount of $10,000 to be paid to Albert Shelander for the Steamboat City land deal as presented was made by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. King and passed unanimously.
A MOTION to approve the Authority direct the Rich Sea Pak lease agreement negotiations in collaboration with the GCAC Executive Director was made by Mr. Dixon, seconded by Mr. King and passed unanimously.
A MOTION to approve the Project Sol Lease Option Agreement to go forward subject to adjustments to paragraph 13 was made by Mr. King, seconded by Mr. Roberts and passed unanimously.
A MOTION to approve the Project Pine Inducement Resolution subject to final negotiations to section 13 and the MOA subject to final negotiations and review by Counsel and was made by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Dixon and passed unanimously. The Project is due on April 7th with a decision to be made by August 7th.
A MOTION to adjourn was made by Mr. Roberts, seconded by Mr. Dixon and passed unanimously.
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Approved Board Meeting Submitted by:
Attachments may be viewed in the Minutes Book at the Brunswick and Glynn County Development Authority office at 4 Glynn Avenue.